고민이 많아 불면증에 시달리는 방앗간 주인이 있었어요. 주인은 동물들의 소박한 삶을 보고 아이디어를 얻었어요. '동물들처럼 단순하게 살아가자!'. 그는 복잡함을 버리고 간편하게 생각하기 시작했지요. 곧 방앗간 이름을 인스턴트방앗간으로 바꿨어요. 인스턴트의 큰 특징인 간편함을
모티브로 삼았죠. 그리고 동물들을 인스턴트방앗간의 직원으로 고용했어요. 인스턴트방앗간에서 일어나는 이야기의 조각들을 모아보세요!
There was a mill owner who had a lot of worries and insomnia. He got ideas from the simple life of animals. "Let's live as simple as animals!". He abandoned the complexity and began to think simply. Soon the name of the mill was changed to Instantmill. The motif is convenience, which is a big feature of instant food. And they hired animals as workers at Instantmill. Gather the pieces of the story that happen in the Instantmill!
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24h Avg price
Zero-royalty trades
Wash trading
24h Volume
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24h Sales
Total sales
Mint price
0 sales
Critical Risk
Critical Risks
Medium Risks
Low RisksDetails
Metadata StorageCentralized storage
External ContractOpenSea Storefront
Artifact StorageCentralized storage
Collection Sales0 sales per last month
Editable MetadataEditable metadata stored on a server
Creator Royalty10%
Token TypeERC-1155
Unique OwnersCollection tokens2 tokens
Unique Owners1 / 50%
Past Owners0 of 0 owners is suspicious
Suspicious Sales0 potential sales
Missed Royalty Payments0% missed royalty fee
CopymintsThe original collection.
Found 0 similar collections
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