Home pageThe Heidelberg School - Sir Arthur Streeton
The Heidelberg School - Sir Arthur Streeton

The Heidelberg School - Sir Arthur Streeton

Minted 3y ago
1 token
2.5% royalty
Sir Arthur Streeton Apr 8, 1867 - Sep 1, 1943 Sir Arthur Ernest Streeton was an Australian landscape painter and leading member of the Heidelberg School, also known as Australian Impressionism. Streeton's paintings are amongst the most collectible of Australian artists and attracted high prices during his lifetime. Golden Summer, Eaglemont sold for around 1000 guineas in 1924 and in 1995 it was bought in a private sale by the National Gallery of Australia for A$3.5 million, both times setting a sales record for an Australian painting. In 1985, Settler's Camp sold at auction for A$800,000 and this remained the record auction price for Streeton's work until 23 May 2005, when his 1890 painting,...
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Collection tokens1 tokens
Unique Owners1 / 100%
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Creator Royalty
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