Home pagePortraits, by Jon Sarkin
Portraits, by Jon Sarkin

Portraits, by Jon Sarkin

Minted 3y ago
15 tokens
10% royalty
_"The thing that ties these pieces together is that they are emotional portraits rather than realistic. For example, when you take a photograph it's over in a second, done. These portraits take a while, and I'm spending that time trying to draw a certain mood or feeling out of the piece."_ - Jon Sarkin This is a collectible set of 43 square-cropped, avatar-friendly Portraits by Jon Sarkin. Most are done with marker or paint on 12''x12'' vinyl album covers. Tiers chosen directly by the artist: - 15 Common - 12 Uncommon - 9 Rare - 6 Legendary Jon is a physical artist with 30 years experience making the transition to NFTs. He creates elaborate, abstract mindscapes filled with words and ima...
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24h Sales
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OpenSea Storefront
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Artifact Storage
Centralized storage
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Unique Owners
Collection tokens15 tokens
Unique Owners6 / 40%
Past Owners
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0 of 0 owners is suspicious
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Missed Royalty Payments
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0% missed royalty fee
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