In March of 2017 a group of photographers sponsored by Sony x Adorama embarked on a trip of a lifetime of unforgettable moments that changed the life of a lot of people. It was the first time we've ever visited Cuba; a place that stole our hearts, with its people, food, classic cars and somewhat it's beautiful decay that felt like it was frozen in time for over half a century.
The timeline of what that country has dealt with is in the history books and one can only imagine what that reality could be. I particularly found Cuba and it's people are an example of what it is to live with little to none but live to fight another day for their country and their believes, side note, Cuba has some ...
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External ContractOpenSea Storefront
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Creator Royalty10%
Token TypeERC-1155
Unique OwnersCollection tokens30 tokens
Unique Owners29 / 96.66%
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