Some people call crypto-art CRAP!
Well, we don't care what they think, 'cause this CRAP ain't gonna stink!
This project is aimed at addressing the Social Resistance aspect of crypto-art space. It is aimed at standing by this community in the face of hatred from people that think NFTs are a fad or believe that anyone could just right-click-save the artwork!
Each piece in this series is an Ode to the artist(s)/collector(s) in the space, & represents their struggles with rejection. Each piece serves as a reminder that crypto-art is real & priceless! When you buy a piece, u carry with you a strong message of love & support for this community!
Core objectives:
1. CELEBRATE established artist...
Mkt cap
Min price
24h Avg price
Zero-royalty trades
Wash trading
24h Volume
Total volume
24h Sales
Total sales
Mint price
0 sales
Critical Risk
Centralized storage
OpenSea Storefront
Centralized storage
0 sales per last month
Editable metadata stored on a server
Collection tokens13 tokens
Unique Owners41 / 100%
0 of 0 owners is suspicious
0 potential sales
0% missed royalty fee
The original collection.
Found 0 similar collections
Sales by marketplace
Wash trading volume by marketplace
Profit & Loss by token
Tokens bought and sold by the same address.
No data