**51 Punks by [UUU](https://opensea.io/UUU).**
A collection of 51 unique digitally generated portraits of Punks.
They are all generated by using StyleGAN AI which was previously trained using datasets of human faces by teams of researchers based in MIT and Stanford.
This collection represents a unique amalgamation of modern digital CryptoArt, old style portrait paintings and, vision of an AI. Each asset is unique and inspired by how an AI trained on human portraits would interpret the pixelated punks.
**Only 51 will ever exist.**
This group of 51 punks lives in the area 51 of the Ethereum blockchain. They are advance aliens, evolved apes, zombies and a few very smart humans who beca...
Mkt cap
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24h Avg price
Zero-royalty trades
Wash trading
24h Volume
Total volume
24h Sales
Total sales
Mint price
0 sales
Critical Risk
Critical Risks
Medium Risks
Low RisksDetails
Metadata StorageCentralized storage
External ContractOpenSea Storefront
Artifact StorageCentralized storage
Collection Sales0 sales per last month
Editable MetadataEditable metadata stored on a server
Creator Royalty10%
Token TypeERC-1155
Unique OwnersCollection tokens33 tokens
Unique Owners15 / 45.45%
Past Owners0 of 0 owners is suspicious
Suspicious Sales0 potential sales
Missed Royalty Payments0% missed royalty fee
CopymintsThe original collection.
Found 0 similar collections
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Tokens bought and sold by the same address.
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