Home pageFinding beauty in chaos- By Amanuel Sileshi
Finding beauty in chaos- By Amanuel Sileshi

Finding beauty in chaos- By Amanuel Sileshi

Minted 3y ago
13 tokens
2.5% royalty
Ethiopia has one of celebration of all the unique peoples from different ethnicity found within. we have more than 110 million people with more than 80 different cultures languages and diversity, living interconnected with each-other The holiday celebrations is hosted yearly with millions pouring to one square to the capital Addis Ababa and create such a polyphonic songs with various costume designs. the markets in the capital filled with chaos from sunday to sunday really makes u wonder how can i create a beauty out of this you know even tho the country is photophobic mostly with cameras, i love the challenge i face everyday when shooting around and the photos i shoot has to have meanin...
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Wash trading
24h Volume
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24h Sales
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0 sales
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Metadata Storage
Metadata Storage
Centralized storage
External Contract
External Contract
OpenSea Storefront
Artifact Storage
Artifact Storage
Centralized storage
Collection Sales
Collection Sales
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Editable Metadata
Editable Metadata
Editable metadata stored on a server
Token Type
Token Type
Unique Owners
Unique Owners
Collection tokens13 tokens
Unique Owners12 / 92.3%
Creator Royalty
Creator Royalty
Past Owners
Past Owners
0 of 0 owners is suspicious
Suspicious Sales
Suspicious Sales
0 potential sales
Missed Royalty Payments
Missed Royalty Payments
0% missed royalty fee
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