okay, so famous artist Pak said to burn his computer art.
If you burn Paks computer coin arts then Pak is supposed to give you some $ASH. Tobey just has regular ashes, so hes trying to figure out what happens next? Tobey has some letters filled with art ashes so if any ppl here know Paks address PLS let Tobey here know. preference on Garfield or MIckey Mouse stickers would also be helpful TY!
Looking for HELP. Tobey here has some video movies to show that he burned Pak's computer arts into art ashes (evidence). Tobey figured if these get around out there on the WorldWide interweb then Pak might see it and go “Oh, nice job Tobey.” so that would be neat.
mergers? chapters...
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External ContractOpenSea Storefront
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Creator Royalty10%
Token TypeERC-1155
Unique OwnersCollection tokens22 tokens
Unique Owners11 / 50%
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Missed Royalty Payments0% missed royalty fee
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