Everyrealm Arcade Presents: The Atari Cup Championship, a series of game competitions on Atari Classics including Asteroids, Super Breakout, Centipede, Missile Command, and Pong. Entry to competitions are exclusive to holders of the [Atari 50th Anniversary Commemorartive GFT Collection](https://gftshoppe.com/atari). Listed are limited edition awards and collectibles rewarded to the Top 250 contenders.
The Everyrealm Arcade is a web2/web3 game portal with exclusive community competitions, leaderboards, P2E opportunities, and limited-edition digital and physical rewards.
For more information, visit [arcade.](https://arcade.everyrealm.com/)
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24h Sales
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Decentralized storage
Collection tokens24 tokens
Unique Owners157 / 100%
Custom contract
Not editable metadata stored on ipfs or blockchain
0 of 0 owners is suspicious
0 potential sales
0% missed royalty fee
The original collection.
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