Killer Koalas (also known as Drop Bears) are inspired by Aussie culture. They are an exclusively designed collection of 3,333 NFTS on the Ethereum blockchain. The collection has over 250 digitally created attributes making each Killer Koala unique with varying rarities.
The Killer Koalas are one of the few species to survive in a post-apocalyptic world that humans and robots destroyed. Their numbers have been diminished to a limited 9,999 due to forest fires, deforestation, and diseases. As a result, they have separated into factions - the Burnt, the Lost and the Sick.
Do you have the killer instinct to join the Killer Koala community to help fight for justice in this unjust world and to...
Mkt cap
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24h Avg price
Zero-royalty trades
Wash trading
24h Volume
Total volume
24h Sales
Total sales
Mint price
0 sales
Critical Risk
Critical Risks
Medium Risks
Low RisksDetails
Collection Sales0 sales per last month
Metadata StorageDecentralized storage
Artifact StorageDecentralized storage
Creator Royalty0%
External ContractCustom contract
Token TypeERC-721
Unique OwnersCollection tokens65 tokens
Unique Owners37 / 56.92%
Editable MetadataNot editable metadata stored on ipfs or blockchain
Past Owners0 of 0 owners is suspicious
Suspicious Sales0 potential sales
Missed Royalty Payments0% missed royalty fee
CopymintsThe original collection.
Found 0 similar collections
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Tokens bought and sold by the same address.
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