Home pageZINE - The Product is the Process: Prototyping Reality with Public Assembly
ZINE - The Product is the Process: Prototyping Reality with Public Assembly

ZINE - The Product is the Process: Prototyping Reality with Public Assembly

Minted 2y ago
56 tokens
5% royalty
According to design theorist Keller Easterling, solutions are part of the problem. When we innovate only in terms of a solutionist framework, Easterling argues in her book Medium Design, we optimize for static outcomes wedded to the status quo of product-market fit. Solutions are one-time fixes, usually implemented by someone else, which break as soon as the context they’re responding to changes (which it does, constantly). Solutions are blunt tools in the face of a reality that is interdependent and always evolving. In lieu of such app-for-that thinking, Easterling advocates that we design for “protocols of interplay,” prizing relationships over neatly separated objects, complexity over co...
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Unique Owners
Collection tokens56 tokens
Unique Owners28 / 50%
Editable Metadata
Editable Metadata
Not editable metadata stored on ipfs or blockchain
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0 of 0 owners is suspicious
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Missed Royalty Payments
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0% missed royalty fee
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