Home pageNature's Cotton Candy by Steve Bennett
Nature's Cotton Candy by Steve Bennett

Nature's Cotton Candy by Steve Bennett

Minted 2y ago
10 tokens
10% royalty
When I first learned about Alstrom Point, located in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area of southern Utah, I knew I had to add it to my photo trek “must-visit” list. Alstrom Point, with an elevation of 4,685 feet, is highly regarded for its spectacular view of Lake Powell. In the spring of 2018, I experienced this remarkable vista firsthand as I stood near the edge, waiting for the sun to set and the full moon to rise. The majestic view evoked a sense of awe and timelessness. In my mind’s eye, I saw herds of long-neck sauropods that, according to the fossil record, roamed the area from the Early Jurassic to the Late Cretaceous Periods. Fast forward two hundred million years. While the...
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Collection tokens10 tokens
Unique Owners2 / 20%
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Custom contract
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Editable Metadata
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Not editable metadata stored on ipfs or blockchain
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0% missed royalty fee
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