コレクション「MIRAI」 最先端のNFT×最先端のAI 新しい技術を掛け合わせてAIと共に時間をかけて作りました。今後も成長していくNFTの世界やAIの世界、 そして私たちそれぞれが生きる世界の未来を願うそんなコンセプトです。上を向いた少女達は今後の明るい未来を願いそして彼女たちの今後の成長に期待したデザインになっています。Collection "MIRAI Cutting-edge NFT x Cutting-edge AI This collection was created by crossing new technologies and spending time together with AI.I look forward to the future of the world of NFT and AI, which will continue to develop. And for the future of the world in which each of us lives.The design of the girls looking up at each other expresses hope for a bright future and expectations for future growth.
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0 sales
Critical Risk
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0 sales per last month
Editable metadata stored on a server
Collection tokens8 tokens
Unique Owners45 / 100%
Custom contract
0 of 0 owners is suspicious
0 potential sales
0% missed royalty fee
The original collection.
Found 0 similar collections
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