🐔First EGGS Token Generating NFTs 1 Billion EGGS Max. IPFS Enabled, Game Stats Compatible Chickens, 🥬 Common, Rare, Legendary Lays 2X EGGS & Join The EGG DAO 😍🐔🥬 ❤️
After Purchase visit https://ownerfy.com/chicadees and connect to Metamask to begin laying and harvesting EGGS. There are limited amount that will ever be produced. All EGGS will likely be laid in 6 - 12 months. How many EGGS will you have?
Gen 1 - Highest Stats Bonus - SOLD OUT
Gen 2 - Last time to get Legendary Promotion - Minting Now.
Gen 3 - 2 Week freeze between Gen 2 and Gen 3, Last Chance to get Chic-A-Dees
8,888 Chics + 2,223 Legendaries total available. Minting buy 6 get 1 Legendary at https://ownerfy.com/chica...
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Zero-royalty trades
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0 sales per last month
Decentralized storage
Decentralized storage
Collection tokens705 tokens
Unique Owners178 / 25.24%
Custom contract
Not editable metadata stored on ipfs or blockchain
0 of 0 owners is suspicious
0 potential sales
0% missed royalty fee
The original collection.
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